the future of crime scene investigation and courtroom evidence is in Virtual Reality. . . and that future has arrived

Our application of VR to the law

Virtual Reality is about to monumentally improve and change the nature of both crime scene investigations and the presentation of evidence in the courtroom. The number of ways VR can be applied to the law is endless. We are at the forefront in applying Virtual Reality to the Law

3D VR Cameras at Crime Scenes & Integration Software

Creating VR technology and software for use by law enforcement in crime scene investigations. This is done by using 3D VR cameras to record crime scenes and then integrating the recording with our software. Law enforcement, attorneys and others can later go back and explore the crime scenes, investigations and evidence in 3D. 

vr software specificaly for courtrooms

Developing Virtual Reality software specifically for use in the Courtroom by judges, attorneys, experts and juries.

Advocacy & research on legal regulations of vr in courtrooms

Researching, developing and advancing legal regulations on the use of Virtual Reality in the Courtroom.

training law enforcement on vr cameras

Offering courses and training for members of the criminal justice community on the use of VR cameras at crime scenes and on our software.